04 Tongues Made Of Glass

if only
our tongues
were made
of glass

how much
more careful
we would be
when we
-----------Shaun Shane
04 Tongues Made Of Glass    
Shaun Shane      
                                I really don't know what to say about this poem. WOW,this poem is so deep and amazing!. After reading the poem" 04 Tongues Made Of Glass" by "Shaun Shane" I am truly mesmerized with this poets words. I think the speaker is trying to say that if our tongues was made of glass  this would cause us to watch our words more when we speak.What this means is like glass how it hurts us and scratches us the speaker compares a tongue to glass and that if it was made of glass we wouldn't say bad language or hurtful words because when we try to we will hurt ourselves. But, since our tongues isn't made of glass when we say hurtful or inappropriate language we don't feel how much it hurts to another person or how bad it actually is. This reminds me of the world now, people curse,do drugs and insult others like drinking water. They don't care about peoples feelings and it is like they just sprinkle bad language over other people.In the poem the speaker says "if only,our tongues,were made, of glass" this best illuminates how the speaker who is a he/she is saying that if our tongues were composed of glass. This lines mood and tone as well is hopeful by the speaker is trying to imagine our tongues being from glass and as well the mood is questionable kind of like when the speaker says "if" like he is imagining or thinking. Also when the he/she speaker says at the end "how much, more careful, we would be, when we, speak" this best portrays that the speaker concludes that if our tongues were made of glass at the end it would hurt to say hurtful words and people would be more careful with what they say and the speaker concludes his thoughts that people would be more respectful. The tone of this poem and the speaker's mood as wells seems conclusive and hopeless because the speaker then just concludes his thoughts that people then would watch their language carefully. The poem as well because of the use of diction such as when, would, if and we sounds gloomy and hopeless.I love this poem a lot because the speaker sends a message to the reader in a short and deep way. He tries to send out  meaningful message the poet as to watch our words. I was really shocked after the speakers words and I kept thinking of all the ways I can compare the world to this poem.(HOMEWORK 4/4/13)

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