****Why I Greet A Woman*****

I greet woman
For beauty
In body and in soul
I know her heart
Is pure
I know love
Flows out from within a woman
I love woman
A woman takes
Optimistic view of life
I know
A woman's motto is
To love and be loved
I greet woman
Woman is capable
Woman can cook meals
Woman can decorate
The home in style
Woman can teach her kids
Woman never feels tired
I greet woman
Woman is strong and fit
Physically and within
Woman has confidence
Woman takes own decisions
And knows better
What is right for her
Woman has a mind of her own
I greet woman
Woman is intelligent
Woman can used her intelligence
To take the world forward
I greet woman
Woman is reliable
Woman has a sense of humor
Woman can tackle tricky situation
See woman twinkle in her eyes
See woman curling up mouth
In a smile
I greet woman
I salute woman
Really it is said
Woman is Godsend
Woman is a best friend
Woman is a best mother
Woman is a best sister
Woman is a best wife
I greet woman
A breath of fresh air for life.
-------------------------------------------------Gajanan Mishra
Why I great women
Gajanan Mishra
                                                         Woman are very important in the human society. They act as mothers,sisters, daughters,cousins,aunts,grandmas and wives. Woman are kind, loyal , generous, helpful, patient, brave and unique. Without the female race men's lives would be very hard. After reading the poem "Why I greet Women" by "Gajanan Mishra" I had a very happy,determined and proud come back to what I read. I think the speaker in the poem is the poet because throughout the poem the speaker continually says "I".The speaker starts out talking about why she greats woman who is the poet and she continually thanks their personalty and says "I greet woman". This is best proven when in the poem it says"In body and in soul, I know her heart, Is pure, know love, Flows out from within a woman" this best portrays how the speaker appreciates woman because of their kind hearts. Also the speaker explains a woman's talents which is best portrayed when the speaker says "Woman is capable, Woman can cook meals, Woman can decorate, The home in style, Woman can teach her kids, Woman never feels tired, I greet woman" this as well shows how the speaker thanks how a women is determined and has talents such as decorating, raising kids and cooking. My personal favorite line in this poem is when the speaker says "A woman's motto is, To love and be loved" I personally love this line because this is my motto as well.  I would like to love a person who loves me the same way. After I read this poem I feel very special inside me because it makes a female feel proud of what she is and how she is thanked by many also it makes a girl want to be like the female girl the speaker is talking about and become like her when she gets older. With the use of the words "Woman. kind, talented, intelligent, reliable, loving, loved and optimistic show that the mood and tone of the poem is happy and cheerful. Through the poem the speaker's tone is still  happy and appreciative because the poet's words such as "woman,greet,loving,love and pure are all words that are used through the poem are positive and appreciative. Being a woman is a very special thing and I think that the speaker rs trying to tell that woman are important and wonderful human beings. I am proud to be a woman. (HOMEWORK 3/23/13)

Couple at Coney Island 

It was early one Sunday morning,
So we put on our best rags
And went for a stroll along the boardwalk
Till we came to a kind of palace
With turrets and pennants flying.
It made me think of a wedding cake
In the window of a fancy bakery shop.

I was warm, so I took my jacket off
And put my arm round your waist
And drew you closer to me
While you leaned your head on my shoulder.
Anyone could see we'd made love
The night before and were still giddy on our feet.
We looked naked in our clothes

Staring at the red and white pennants
Whipped by the sea wind.
The rides and shooting galleries
With their ducks marching in line
Still boarded up and padlocked.
No one around yet to take our first dime.
----------------------------------- Charles Simic
Couple at Coney island
Charles Simic
                           We all experience love within our life time. It is an unforgettable experience between two people who adore each other.The poem I just read had a very happy and romantic mood while I was reading the poem, "Couple at Coney island" by "Charles Simic" is about a couple who are on a trip to Coney island and are enjoying their time.At the beginning the speaker talks about he and and his mate wearing on their best clothes getting ready to take a walk. This is best portrayed when the speaker says "It was early one Sunday morning, So we put on our best rags, And went for a stroll along the boardwalk" this shows that the couple went outside on a Sunday with their best clothes on walking along the shore of an ocean or bay. As they were walking the approached Coney island a land full of farris wheels and roller coasters and this is best portrayed when the male speaker says "With turrets and pennants flying.It made me think of a wedding cake, In the window of a fancy bakery shop."I can tell that the speaker is male because when the speaker says "I was warm, so I took my jacket off,And put my arm round your waist, And drew you closer to me" best illuminates how the speaker is a male taking of his jacket and placing it on his wife's shoulder. Also in real life men usually take of their jackets and wrap their arms around their wives or mates. I as well think their married because the speaker at first says we both woke up and wore our best rags best shows how they both live together.As I was reading the poem the speakers mood was happy and calm the whole way through because the speakers use of diction was very calm and was pretty much retelling a story. Some words that were used to prove the poem is calm is"it, first, no, up, the, we, and, me and the word fancy. I love the diction of the poem of showing a calm and romantic couple  I love how the poet retold a summery of a story but in poetry form. Also my favorite line in the poem would be "Anyone could see we'd made love" this is my favorite line the speaker says because instead of saying we are in love the speaker first explains his actions then says that the people can tell they were in love from their actions.(HOMEWORK 3/23/13)

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